Telephone: 050 6161194
Dungeon Street is a Nerd Store House, based in Pisa in Via Rigattieri 22.
Open since 2012, we are resellers of Trading Card Games such as Magic, YuGiOh !, Pokèmon, DragonBall Super CG, Final Fantasy TCG, Boardgames, Manga, Comics and Nerdy Clothing.
We are official dealers of all the main brands in the sector. We host weekly events such as YuGiOh Local! and Pokémon, MTG Modern / Commander / Pauper, and we regularly run all Prerelease / SneakPeek events of each TCG.
Our customer service is at your disposal from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., via one of the following channels: