Enter below the eight-digit numerical verification code that you find on the certificate.
Grade Authority and Authentication Division: a new certifying company that, through an innovative mathematical method and a team of experts, authenticates and rigorously evaluates the quality of all types of collectible cards, in all languages!
Our services are designed to satisfy the needs of both collectors and card enthusiasts that are interested in having their cards certified for collectible or reselling reasons.
To read more about the other many reasons why you should choose our services, please continue by clicking to the following button:
why choosing usQualitative analysis
Certification of authenticity of cards and stickers
Qualitative analysis
Certification of authenticity of sealed products (box, pack)
* price starting from
Here you can find the information to navigate our portal and understand how to authenticate and evaluate the quality of all types of collecting cards, in all languages!
Graad is simple and fast, but if you've never placed an order with us, first find out what there is to know before entering an order request.
If you already know everything about our services and you want to immediately get your cards (or booster-pack or stickers) certified, you can go directly to our order form!
If you need more details on the services we offer, please visit the following page:
Here's a synthetic description of our authenticity and qualitative evaluation certificate.
The cards are encapsuled in a plastic polycarbonate anti-UV rays protective case, resistent, scratchproof, dustproof, waterproof, ultrasound welded with an anti-tampering micro-weld.
Our qualitative grading service is PSA equivalent, on a scale from 1 to 10, it's immediately recognizable and indicates the quality status of a card. If the requested service is Authentication only, the letter A will appear on the certificate instead of a grade.
A unique verification code will be printed on the certificate so that anyone can easily check online for the authenticity of the certificate.
Our customer service is at your disposal from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., via one of the following channels: